The Not-So Hidden Truth About What Happened on October 7, 2023
It upends everything we've been told
By Lee Camp
You won’t believe what an hour of research taught me about the hidden truth about October 7th. But I’ll give it to you in 4 minutes. Here we go.
Let’s talk for a moment about the, ummm, kerfuffle in Gaza. I was calling it a genocide but then I noticed that the mainstream media never does that and we all know they are our betters. They tell us how to think and who to be and which oligarch’s arse to lovingly tongue bathe. So I will follow their guidance in this case and call what’s been going on in Gaza at worst… fisticuffs.
We all know that this kerfuffle started when Hamas broke into Israel and killed 1,200 Israelis on October 7th, 2023. Much like Kendrick Lamar, that is undeniable. Just a few months ago NBC news said, “This latest conflict began on October 7th when Hamas massacred 1,200 people in Israel.” Just the other day Reuters stated, “...a Hamas-led attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, that killed at least 1,200 people…” NPR stated, “...fighters from Hamas killed around 1,200 people…” The New York Times recently printed, “Hamas invaded southern Israel, killing roughly 1,200 people…”
And Yoav Gallant, who was Israel’s Defense Minister at the time of the attacks, said just a few weeks ago, “Israeli troops were ordered to shoot and kill captive Israeli civilians on 7 October 2023…”
Wait, WHAT? …Israeli troops killed a bunch of Israelis? This seems to be a reference to the Hannibal Directive, which is the Israeli military’s sometimes policy of killing everyone around because that’s the best play when you’re upset about something. Just murder everybody. I often use it when I’m forced to post something on Instagram—Can we all agree it’s a shit platform?! Just me?!
Back to Israel - we all know the Hannibal Directive doesn’t exist. Well, we all know it except apparently for former Defense Minister (and part-time war criminal) Yoav Gallant. He said the other day, “The order to carry out Israel’s so-called Hannibal Directive was issued ‘tactically’ and ‘in various places’ next to Gaza, Yoav Gallant told Israel’s Channel 12…”
But it’s fine because the plan to kill everyone was issued tactically. (Just like I use my sledge hammer to kill an ant on my glass living room table - carefully. With precision.)
If this were true, it goes against everything the media has been saying for 17 months! Well, not all of the media. Not Israeli media. Here’s from Haaretz: “IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive”.
So, the Israeli military was killing a bunch of Israelis on October 7th?! That 1,200 number that we’ve heard on repeat for over a year includes loads of people killed by Israel?! …No way! We need to get an official trusted body like the United Nations or Ariana Grande’s fan club to look into this. …What’s that more-informed voice in my head? The U.N. has looked into this?
“The report by the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry (COI) documented repeated uses of the so-called Hannibal Directive on 7 October as Israel was combating Hamas fighters…”
Well what do THEY know? They’re just the U.N.—Which we all know stands for UN-reliable. (Came up with that line myself.) Besides, the IDF might’ve killed a few Israelis, but it probably wasn’t that many.
“A new investigative article by …two journalists with extensive sources inside Israel’s military and intelligence establishment …revealed that ‘some 70 vehicles’ driven by Palestinian fighters returning to Gaza were blown up by Israeli helicopter gunships, drones or tanks.”
Seventy vehicles blown up?! That sounds like it would probably have killed a lot of Israeli hostages and bystanders. Even if it were just 2 or 3 per vehicle, that’s hundreds of people. It can’t be that many cars or we would’ve seen piles of them. It would’ve looked like a monster truck rally. —What’s that, more-informed voic in my head we’ll start calling “Gary”? There’s video of piles of destroyed cars?
Holy shit! That’s a ton of blown-up cars! Why haven’t I seen those before? Why aren’t there tours being given of the wreckage? Why isn’t there a lot of reporting on this??
Oh wait, Israel admitted they shredded and buried hundreds of cars filled with evidence. Why in God’s name would Israel do such a thing? According to Jerusalem Post they did it “in order to save space and be as environmentally-friendly as possible…”
Environmentally friendly?! Yeah, that is so Israel. When you look at a photo of Gaza, you think, “They’re trying to be eco-friendly. Israel is the Greta Thunberg of ethnic cleansing.”
Sooo, let me get this straight. Israel has admitted they killed loads of their own people on Oct 7th, and they’ve admitted to destroying and burying all the evidence because they care about the environment. So it’s like the mafia who always bury their victims in undisclosed locations in order to help the foliage grow. (Oh, that’s what they meant by “pushin’ up the daisies.” I always thought it had something to do with working out, like doing push-ups. Makes so much more sense now.)
Okay, okay, back up here. If a mass Hannibal Directive were true, there’d also be witness testimony from those who survived. What, Gary? Speak up. There is testimony?
“...the key testimony of Yasmin Porat, an Israeli woman who survived a massacre by Israeli forces at Kibbutz Be’eri. According to her account, many Israeli civilians were killed when Israeli forces opened fire with heavy weapons including tank shells at the small kibbutz house they were held by Palestinian fighters.”
Opened fire on a kibbutz house?! I doubt it. I wouldn’t believe that unless I saw video of the tank operators themselves admitting it. …Oh, there is?
In fact the tank gunner says she was told to fire at a house with tank rounds, but she stopped to ask the commanding officer if there were Israeli civilians in there. He said, “I don’t know, just fire.” But she decided to only fire her machine gun at the house instead of tank blasts.
…And she’s proud enough of this to talk about it on national television?! Okay, okay, maybe this was a rare incident. Maybe this one tank gunner went nuts, and this only happened this one time on October 7th. If it happened a lot, we would hear that the IDF fired thousands of bullets and bombs.
Yes, Gary? You don’t need to raise your hand. Just say it.
As Israel Hayom reported, …“Data revealed here for the first time shows that during the fighting on October 7, the Air Force fired 11,000 shells, dropped more than 500 heavy one-ton bombs and launched 180 missiles.”
500 one-ton bombs?! 180 missiles?! …Let me guess, those were tactical, precision-guided one-ton bombs. Honestly, those numbers don’t make any sense. To achieve those numbers, you’d have to just be shooting at everything.
Well, as Haaretz reported, “ ‘Shoot at everything,’ one squadron leader reportedly told his men.”
So one of the most powerful militaries in the world was literally firing at everything that moved on Oct 7th, 2023 and killed hundreds of their own people under the Hannibal Directive. It follows that the 1200 number we hear endlessly could actually be 800 killed by Hamas and 400 by Israel. Or 600 and 600? Or even worse? This changes the ENTIRE story. Why haven’t any journalists asked Biden or Trump or Antony Blinken about this? —OH, right, I remember.
Journalist Sam Husseini tried to ask Blinken about the Hannibal Directive at a press conference and was quickly and violently carried out of the room by four security guards. I guess not only will the revolution not be televised but neither will real questions.
I’ve got one more question—That I’m sure Gary has an answer for—Even though Israel shredded and buried the cars, isn’t there any surveillance footage showing the behavior of the IDF? Showing what exactly happened?
Well, Jerusalem Post reported, “Critical IDF surveillance videos from Hamas's attack on Oct. 7 missing”. Of course they are. I mean, if you’re gonna kill hundreds of your own citizens, you totally gotta wipe the cameras. I learned that from Ocean’s 11. …Or might’ve been My Best Friend’s Wedding. Not the film—my friend’s actual wedding. That was a rager! Only thing better I’ve ever been to was Kiss’ 2023 Farewell Tour. That was epic! There’s no other band that can sustain 23 years of farewell tours. And they did it with only 3 songs!
Anyway, all-told there are mountains of evidence showing the IDF killed a ridiculous number of their own citizens on October 7th, 2023 and yet our rotting raccoon carcass (AKA western media) faithfully repeats the lie every day that 1200 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Unbelievable. It’s almost like they don’t mind lying at all. It’s almost like it’s their job.
…And my apologies to rotting raccoon carcasses. That wasn’t fair to compare you to our media. I’m sorry. And I see you.
(For the video version of this column, go here.)