By Lee Camp (Also check out the video version of this column.)
By the end of this column you’ll know who controls the world… whether you like it or not.
Where the money flows in this world decides the direction of humanity (at least for now). So the people with the most money truly control much of the world. And I don’t just mean billionaires. There are entities with way more money than Donald Trump or Elon Musk, and they truly have the steering wheel… or the rudder, depending on what form of locomotion you’re most familiar with. Or if you’re “doing the Locomotion” then I guess it would be your hips. So these parasites have the hips. (That’s an uncomfortable image on Jamie Dimon.)
The answer as to who controls most of the world is the top asset management firms—AKA “shadow banks.” And they have unimaginable wealth.
The top 5 asset management firms are:
BlackRock: $11.6 Trillion! (!!!)
Vanguard: $9.3 Trillion
UBS: $5.7 Trillion
Fidelity: $4.9 Trillion
State Street: $4.7 Trillion
And my cousin Nathan: $250
(He’s just getting started. Probably shouldn’t be on the list but I owed him ‘cause he scored me some molly so I could get through my kid’s parent-teacher conference.)
Try to imagine how much money a trillion dollars is. If you spent $100,000 a year, in order to spend $1 trillion, you’d have to keep doing that for 10 million years! If you spent $100,000 a day—So you’re either Kim Kardashian or a lunatic—in order to spend $1 trillion, it would take you over 27,000 years! (Which is older than Larry Ellison’s original head before he got the prosthetic one.)
The people who run these funds are the true dominant rulers of much of the world, and they’re talked about in the media less than a Native American protesting the petrodollar. So while these shadow banks sit on trillions, what about everyone else? One in three people on our planet suffer malnutrition. As the Guardian reported, “Each year, poor nutrition kills 3.1 million children under the age of five.”
Three Million kids killed by this greed…
Here’s another one - the number one killer of humans around the world is unclean water - because people can’t afford to get it. New estimates on how much it would cost to give the world safe, clean water are about $114 billion per year.
BlackRock alone could do that 88 times over. They could do it, and then do it again, and do it and do it and do it and do it and do it and then, after saving the lives of millions of people, they’d still have 9 trillion dollars left over—You know, some pocket change in case they wanted to impulse buy something… like venus.
So these shadow banks have this soul-melting swamp-bile level of wealth and where they invest it decides the course of humankind because those are the industries with the resources to eat up everything else faster than The View eats brain cells or Zuckerberg eats our culture. And where do you think they invest it? Do you think it’s in the struggling single moms knitting class? Or maybe a vegan bowling league for down syndrome children? Or perhaps a company that distributes hugs in the favelas of Brazil. …No, turns out that’s not it.
Let’s look at some examples of where they invest their trillions. We are in the midst of a climate crisis. Not sure if you’ve heard. A recent study found that if we stay on this course we might not have clouds in 100 years. (But not to worry, by then we also won’t have humans to care.) And here are the top shareholders of ExxonMobil: Vanguard, State Street, BlackRock and Fidelity. Here are the top shareholders of Chevron: Vanguard, State Street and BlackRock. The top shareholders of BP: Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street. Shell Oil’s top shareholders: Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street and Fidelity. You get the point?
The people running this world are investing in our death. It’s like we’re in an out-of-control car and they’re investing in a guy who cuts seat belts. (That was the first job I ever had. In hindsight, it was wrong to offer to do it pro-bono.)
How about something else that has killed millions of people—Big tobacco. As you know Big Tobacco spent a generation denying cigarettes were harmful and convincing young people that smoking was cooler than having racing stripes shaved into your eyebrow. So who are the biggest backers of PhillipMorris? Vanguard and BlackRock. If they just had a dollar for every person they killed with lung cancer—OH THEY DO! Lucky them. I bet they can afford the exit row on airplanes.
Here’s another - major plastics companies. Plastics are one of the most harmful forms of pollution around the globe. Humans use a million plastic bottles a minute - every minute of every day. Plastics are filling our oceans, in our food, in our blood. I shat out a fully-formed Pepsi bottle the other day. (And I don’t drink Pepsi!) If billions of dollars were invested in replacements to plastics—like the ones made out of mushrooms (not the fun type of mushrooms)—If they invested in that, that’s where the entire industry would go. But if billions are invested in plastics, humans are not gonna use fewer plastics. Which way do you think the trillion-dollar parasites are headed? Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street are the top shareholders of the major plastics companies like Dow Chemical. …And I feel like Dow Chemical has done some other things that are less savory than eating a pizza sat on by a nude Boris Johnson.
Let’s move on to war. One of the reasons the US needs endless war is because the big weapons contractors have to keep making money for their investors. And whoooooo do you think are the biggest shareholders of the biggest weapons companies in the world? …It’s actually Billie Eilish! I know - curveball, right?!
Oh, wait, read that wrong. Biggest shareholders of Raytheon - Vanguard, State Street, BlackRock. Biggest shareholders of Lockheed Martin - Vanguard, State Street, BlackRock. Same for General Dynamics, same for Boeing. You get the picture. If you’re lookin for someone to kill children—Vanguard, State Street and BlackRock are pumpin’ billions into their coffers so they can do it more effectively.
Let’s do one more industry before we throw our hands up and yell “I get it already!” The propaganda networks that tell us all of this is fine: Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, etc. Other than the Murdoch family, the biggest shareholders in Fox News are Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street. CNN is owned by Warner Bros. Their top shareholders - Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street. NBC and MSNBC are now owned by Comcast. Biggest shareholders? Did you guess it? Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street.
Okay, I’ll stop listing every industry, but Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street are also the biggest stakeholders in big pharma, private prisons and policing, deforestation, dystopian surveillance software, AI, the big car companies, big ag, big banks, chemicals, Amazon, Walmart, UBER — Anything you can think of! Literally anything. Go ahead, think of something. …Ok, you got something in your mind? The top shareholders are BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street.
Well, hold on. I guess I was exaggerating. There are things that the mega shadow bank douche squad don’t invest in. Anything—and I mean anything—that isn’t meant to make a lot of money or gain more power. So this means things like reforestation, cleaning up the oceans, fighting against the polluters, fighting against the pro-war psychopaths, saving the lives of… anyone, defending the rights of the most oppressed, etc. BlackRock would sooner use their $11.6 trillion to buy the entire global supply of Lyme disease-filled ticks and dump them down their own pants than invest in a better future for all of us.
We are just pawns to be exploited. By the way, the head of BlackRock is Larry Fink. His last name in the dictionary literally means a “contemptible and thoroughly unattractive person.” What more evidence do you need? (I have to assume the head of Vanguard is named Timothy Fuckwit.)
William I. Robinson at UC Santa Barbara said “...that five hundred years of capitalism had led to a global epochal shift in which all human activity is transformed into capital.” He also professed, “nation-states become little more than population containment zones, and the real decision-making power lies with those who control global capital.”
Well, no one controls more capital in the western world than the largest shadow banks. Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Marco Rubio, Antony Blinken and the other clowns—They are just high-level managers of a dirty, corrupt, putrid, rancid system controlled by the sociopathic “winners” of capitalism. …It’s a really gross system. Like, you know when your toilet backs up and there’s stuff on your floor that could not have come out of a human-shaped person. And you think, “AWWW! What alien creature died and melted and decomposed and fermented in this toilet?!” …That’s what our system is.
And now you know who owns it.
(The video version of this column can be found here. If you see fit, please share it.)
When you're adding up threats to the future of humanity it looks like the Irresistible Force (the Military Industrial crime syndicate plus the Blackrock billionaires who started this War for NATO Enlargement) versus the Immovable Object -- but it's not Russia or China or their nuclear capability. Not 100 % of it, anyway.
The *other* nuclear threat is financial. The missing 100 billion Elenskyy said he never received is just a small part of the biggest ponzi scheme con game of the 21st century.
The Bank of England and other western guarantors of hundreds of billions in Ukrainian war bonds thought that they were funding just another extremely profitable slash and burn money laundering gravy train. But the private defense intelligence estimates, analysis and forecasting must have been as hollow and fraudulent as the public narrative management campaign from corporate America that we've all been marinating in for the last three years.
The private equity aspiring trillionnaires in control of most everything in the western world badly need a financial reset. They've all got their Dr. Strangelove nuclear bomb-proof ecologically self-sustaining bunkers. We can only guess at how many there are and who could have a pass to get inside. Once the decision is made to blow up the whole speculative debt bubble, the financial system and launch the first, "tactical" mini-nuke.
It's so much easier than having to take accountability and seeing all their lies walked back.
money is power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!