I need that.
Those three words just entered my head for the 33rd time this
afternoon. They truthfully are the quintessential slogan of our
consumerist society. I need that. How do I do them justice?
Maybe I’ll wear them on a T-shirt. Maybe a hat. A tattoo? Yes, a
tattoo. I need that tattoo.
There are of course different types of needing that. There’s the
elbow-and-grabbing-a-box- of-bandages type of needing that. But
that’s uncommon. (At least outside a turnip farm in Hungary run
by a man named One-Eye Brájen Barnabas.) That type of needing
something is not the one that defines capitalism and American
thought as a whole.
No, most of the I need that that swims around in every
American’s head like annoying background music on loop is the
less pressing cute-shirt type of needing that. It applies to
something you don’t actually need but think you do. Something
you could need. Something you might need — provided the right
circumstances came about, or in the case of the snake bite survival
kit that’s under your sink, the wrong circumstances. Something
that seems like it could satiate a dominant subconscious
gravitational desire that was placed deep in your soul by either
your first true heartbreak or a highway off-ramp billboard
featuring an anthropomorphized duck.
The reason I’ve just had the thought I need that for the 33rd
time today is because I’m in a store that has mastered the faux
need aura. It fills you with an essence of need that is beyond your
conscious grasp. This purveyor of goods is known as Bed Bath &
Beyond (which as far as I could tell does not sell beds, baths, or
arguably beyond). Bed Bath & Beyond is everything wrong with
capitalism, consumerism, marketing, and possibly advanced non-
stick technology. Bed Bath & Beyond will kill us all (at which point
there will certainly be no more beyond). But this isn’t really about BB&B.
It’s about any store.
I’m here because I need a knife. Not for the purposes of murder,
but judging by my hatred of marketing, manipulation,
and shopping, I’m not opposed to using said knife for defensive
measures. (You, dear reader, don’t know what I’m capable of.) I
need a knife because I broke my last knife (again, not murder
related). However, before I get anywhere near the knife section,
I’m thrust into some sort of meta-consumerist coma,
overwhelmed by the number of products, doodads, widgets,
gizmos, and gadgets — most of which I have never owned, most of
which I have never even seen, and all of which I definitely need.
It’s a kitchen implement daze, a plastic-and-brushed-steel
zombification of the highest order, and while it could be middle-
age related, I suspect it infects anyone over the age of 22.
I read somewhere that this mental paralysis is called the Gruen
Transfer, and it’s one of the few mental disabilities that is
intentionally created in so-called customers by the companies that
are supposed to so-called serve them. (It’s not the only mental
disability created by companies — there’s also capitalism.) Forcing
the gray matter of shoppers to ooze out their ears and puddle on
the linoleum helps ensure we will purchase many dumb objects
we don’t need nor (except for that brief moment) want. BB&B has
mastered the Gruen Transfer. If the Gruen Transfer were a 3-
point shot, BB&B would be Steph Curry.
The first object that I zero in on is a metal and rubber
stand/post about 18 inches tall that sits on your kitchen counter
and holds your paper towel roll in place. The paper towel roll
holder™ is a perfect example of the completely unnecessary-yet-
requisite item. No one truthfully needs it, and yet most people
need it. Hypothetically you place your paper towel roll on this 18-
inch dildo-shaped object and the roll no longer topples over, falls
off the counter, and breaks your foot (one assumes). Therefore,
the following thought process shoots through every single
shopper’s impotent struggling neural synapses (at least those
shoppers who don’t already own elitist built-in paper towel roll
1. What is that?
2. Oh, it stops your paper towels from falling over.
3. My paper towel rolls do indeed sometimes (up to twice a
month) fall over.
4. Clearly, this device solves that “problem”.
5. I have $12.99 with which to buy this problem-solving
6. I will buy this. I will have one less problem in my stressful
But here’s the problem with that standard thought process. Is
it really a problem that your paper towels sometimes (up to twice
a month) fall over? Do paper towels have to be so strictly under
control? How out of control can paper towels possibly get? Have
they ever gotten loose and terrorized a village or impregnated
your niece or burnt down an apartment or taken out a subprime
mortgage in your name? (Of those possibilities, the last one is the
most horrifying.) In reality, the worst — and I do mean worst —
scenario that free-range paper towels could get themselves into is
falling on the floor and possibly getting a little wet (thereby
ruining at least 2 and possibly upwards of 6 paper towel sheets).
So although this brushed steel paper towel roll dildo device
thingy-mabob imprisons your towels on the countertop, ruining
any chance of escape for them, (Is it cruel to take away their
hope?) it doesn’t truthfully solve a problem — at least not a
problem that anyone with any life experience would call a
“problem”. If you’ve ever been in war, you don’t consider paper
towels falling over a problem. If you’ve ever faced a sick family
member, or gone through a serious breakup, or lost a pet to feline
AIDS, or even just sold a bitcoin when it was worth $3,000 and
then later notice it get to $50,000 — if you’ve gone through any of
those things, then you don’t view paper towel collapse as a real
problem. You instead view it as a slight-but-not-really annoyance.
But in the world of BB&B zombification, a slight-but-not-really
annoyance is a serious-must-be-dealt-with-ASAP-before-
everything-is-FUBAR problem.
And much like a brief hookup that entangles you into years of
emotional pain, no one lost in Gruen-ville considers the long term
ramifications. Say I buy this paper towel dildo. Sure, it does its job
for a couple of years — but I have to move it with me every time I
relocate apartments. That might not sound like a big deal unless
you have 30 boxes of paper towel dildo-like objects. And the
entire purpose of a store like BB&B or Target or IKEA is to saddle
you with 30 boxes of paper towel dildo-like objects. They
surround you, entomb you, suffocate you, drain your essence,
exhaust your life force. And even if you decide to throw some out,
then you have to come to terms with the fact that you’re part of
the problem. You’re turning the world into a landfill, overflowing
with paper towel rods. Rods made out of metal mined by
teenagers in Africa. Rods crafted into shape in a sweltering factory
in Vietnam. Rods boxed and labeled and shined by a single
mother with four kids in Bangladesh earning pennies per hour.
Your paper towel dildo has seen the world; it has traversed the
globe in a strange form of imperial oppression jet-setting. All so
your paper towels won’t fall over for a few months before you
realize that you don’t know why you bought it and you want your
life force back.
This is how everything in consumerism works.
Millions of items fill your field of vision, each one of them solves a
nonexistent problem. Each one of them must be obtained. Once
obtained, each one of them is brought home and reverentially
placed in its holy spot. Whether appreciated or ignored, it will not
change your life significantly. Your happiness index rating will
remain the same. Your passions, your loves, your goals and drives
will not change one iota. More global materials will have been
wasted. A single mother in Bangladesh might have seven more
cents. A CEO at BB&B will have eleven more dollars to add to his
three billion others.
That being said, here are a few of the items that I
assume will change my life once I’ve purchased them:
Brushed steel sponge holder that suction-cups to the side
of your sink™: This solves the problem of missing free-
range kitchen sink sponges always making a break for it
when you least expect it. Half the mornings you wake up
to find the sponge clinging to the ledge outside your
apartment window, trying to decide if freedom from your
tyranny is worth the seven-floor plunge straight into a
patio set. Once you own the suction-cup sponge holder,
placing steel bars around said sponge, it will no doubt
accept its fate, dismissively staying in place, waiting to
help you clean your vomitous chili residue out of your ugly
bowel. (Warning: the side of the box states that suction cup
sponge holder™ cannot stop your sponge from telling
other sponges about the way you treat it.)
Super non-stick extra non-stick Teflon™ non-stick pan
(with maximum non-stick spray)™: This is for people who
found the regular non-stick extra non-stick pan™ too
sticky. When cooked on this pan, omelets fly off with a
speed equivalent to that of the most recent SpaceX Falcon
9 rockets. Crab cakes cooked on this pan slide off at Mach
2, often shattering windows and killing neighbors in a
bloody difficult-for-police-to-solve manner. Furthermore,
this pan has an extra Teflon™ coating in case you were
worried that your cooking was not giving enough of your
guests cancer. (If after two years you find that no one in
your family has been stricken with cancer, you can send
away for extra Teflon coating, free of charge. If that
doesn’t work either, DuPont Chemical will send you a
cancer-ridden family member free of charge.)
Clear glass canister with clear glass lid for doggy treats™:
This solves the problem of your dog(s) forgetting that
doggy treats exist and therefore behaving as if treats are
not an option in the future. Once displayed out on the
counter for all to see, the dog(s) will likely not change their
behavior at all — but it’s a power move on your part,
Thirty-One spatula set™: This solves the problem of not
having at least 29 backup spatulas at any given time,
specifically moments of spatula-heavy food production.
We’ve all been in that position where we’re cooking for
four people and we’ve used three spatulas (which are now
spoiled) and we need another spatula – which we have –
but we don’t have 25 more after that one.
Chop Wizard™: This device will save you up to 30
seconds on chopping over 900 vegetables. (Chop Wizard
does not get out of bed for fewer than 900 vegetables.)
Furthermore, the Wizard (if so desired) will use its magical
wizardry to turn the resulting pile of chopped veggies into
a neatly stacked mound of dragon fetus earlobes. Note:
Chop Wizard™ requires his own bedroom and office
space. While a personal bathroom is not required for him,
one is advised as he’ll likely turn your hand soaps into
adult silverback gorillas.
Super Magnetic Collapsible Straw™: This metal magnetic
collapsible straw solves several problems depending on
what kind of person you are. If you are the person who
doesn’t own straws, this will provide a straw for you. If
you are the person who owns metal straws, this will solve
the problem of never being able to collapse them — which
results in straws sticking out of all kinds of odd places,
catching short people in the eye or tall people in the anus.
If you are the person who owns collapsible straws but not
magnetic ones, this will solve the problem of your inability
to elongate your collapsed straw because no magnetic pull
guides you to the appropriate elongation structure. If
you’re the type of person who does not use straws, this will
solve the problem of your inability to suck things. Super
Magnetic Collapsible Straw™ includes metal carabiner
clip and metal cleaning brush for customers who are
insane. (Peru was coup’ed simply to supply enough raw
materials to bring you this many metal items all in one
straw pack. Show some appreciation.)
Egg Bite Maker™: This small electric egg bite grill cooks
tiny egg bites in small circular pucks, thereby solving the
problem of… um… It’s for those who can’t bite…
things… or ummm… Old men without dentures?? Tough
to say. But one thing is clear – you will be up to your
eyeballs in egg bites after you get this thing. And isn’t that
what happiness is about?
Stainless steel paper towel holder with tear bar™: I’m
bringing this one up again because I forgot to mention the
tear bar™. And honestly, that’s like talking about a
newborn baby without mentioning the head. The tear bar is
the best part. This function of the paper towel holder
solves the problem of not being able to tear off a paper
towel. We’ve all been there — you’re cooking, you spill
something, you’re so weak that you can’t tear through soft
paper, and you find yourself gripping the entire roll in one
hand, pressing it against the spill, weeping quietly, and
wishing you had some free time for self-harm. The tear bar
solves all your problems! (Except for your brittle bone
syndrome.) With the NASA-approved tear bar™ anyone
can tear a perfect paper towel sheet. Tearing paper towels
is not just for the professionals anymore! (Warning: Tear
bar™ has been shown to cause the untimely death of
children up to 26 years of age.)
Infrared PEMF Mat by Beautify™: The Infrared PEMF
Mat™ combines two powerful healing technologies to
create the ultimate recovery tool. PEMF grounds you in
earth’s magnetic field for a full-body reset, while
Infrared’s deeply penetrating heat doubles your dose. The
patented, copyrighted, and trademarked Infrared PEMF
Mat™ also fills you with bullshit. In fact, it’s doing it right
now while you read this. Consider this your free trial. But
starting at just $1,367, the Infrared PEMF Mat™ is
practically free anyway. (“PEMF” doesn’t actually stand
for anything, but market testing has revealed consumers
prefer acronyms in their high-end bullshit products, or
Benvo Weighted Ropeless Jump Rope™: This makes a
perfect gift for the person who has everything and needs
more things to store in the back of their garage where
they’ll never see them. The Benvo Weighted Ropeless
Jump Rope™ is a jump rope without the most annoying
and space-consuming part of the jump rope — the rope.
For eons humankind has slaved away at inventing the
ropeless jump rope with little success. (There was a
cordless jump rope created by a heavily mustachioed
inventor named Earl Tisdale outside Butte, Montana in the
1890s, but skeptics were quick to point out jump ropes
didn’t have electrical cords to begin with. Then other
skeptics piped up with, “What’s an electrical cord?”) Well,
we’ve finally done it. The geniuses at Benvo can now
proudly bring you the ropeless jump rope for all your non-
jump roping needs. Naysayers may yell,
“Isn’t that just two plastic handles? Couldn’t you simply pretend to jump
rope with a spatula in each hand?” Of course such
criticisms are ridiculous. First, where are you going to find
two spatulas at this time of night? Second, do you have any
idea how silly you’d look jump roping with a spatula in
each hand? No, you deserve to look and feel like an
Olympic champion by jump roping with a Benvo
Weighted Ropeless Jump Rope™ in your hands. (Package
also includes two spatulas should you misplace your
ropeless jump rope.) While you’re here, also make sure to
check out these other great products by Benvo: the
Hopeless Jump Rope, the Robeless Hump Robe (for
humping), the Bikeless Stationary Bike, the Weighted
Weightless Weightlifting Weights, the Hoopless Hula
Hoop, and the Hopeless Hoopless Hula Hoop (with extra
(Originally published in Lee Camp’s book Dangerous Ideas.)
What about a device that waves at automated devices so they don't turn off/on when you don't want them to? I was in the garage this morning and the light kept turning off while I was working on my bike. That could really be helpful!
This will prove once and for all automated faucets, towel dispensers, toliet flushers, hand fans, door locks and timed lights work as intended and are worth fighting for. Who needs switchs, buttons, and cumbersome levers - that takes up SO MUCH TIME away from making money I need to partcipate in society.
Lee had me spitting my coffee 🤣