What about a device that waves at automated devices so they don't turn off/on when you don't want them to? I was in the garage this morning and the light kept turning off while I was working on my bike. That could really be helpful!

This will prove once and for all automated faucets, towel dispensers, toliet flushers, hand fans, door locks and timed lights work as intended and are worth fighting for. Who needs switchs, buttons, and cumbersome levers - that takes up SO MUCH TIME away from making money I need to partcipate in society.

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Lee had me spitting my coffee 🤣

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Good grief! I need to get over to BB & B, pronto!

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Haha ... great piece! This just reminded me of the "smart hairbrush" https://www.theverge.com/ces/2017/1/3/14128510/withings-loreal-smart-wifi-hair-brush-announcedces-2017 and the "nophone zero" https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nophone-usa/the-nophone-zero?lang=es two totally useless pieces of garbage.

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Lee, I buy what you say! Rev. Billy has the stop shopping guides. Great way to end the new year with this post. May you and your family have the best year yet! Free Palestine!

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My new favorite indoor sport is looking at advertisements and saying to myself, "I don't need that."

Sadly, I don't need a dildo-shaped paper towel holder because I have two of them: one in my kitchen and one in the bathroom.

Wait a minute...I think I bought them from Bed Bath and Beyond...

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Wrongful lifestyles/overconsumption is second only to human overpopulation as the biggest problem on the planet, and it's a very close second. Both problems have to be fixed if humans are ever going to stop destroying the Earth and killing all the native life here. The only things we "need" are air, water, and food, and some shelter & clothing for those of us foolish enough to live outside the tropics. It will take hundreds to thousands of years for humans to stop overconsuming and return to living naturally, but that should be our goal.

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Had me giggling

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