Beautifully written piece

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Thank you

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I'm so grateful you are on Substack now! I look forward to reading more of your poignant, insightful work here.

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The following comment seems to have been deleted, so I'm posting it again. I got an email saying that Carol liked it, but when I came here to view it, it was gone.

Well, I hope you only have one child, because human overpopulation is the biggest problem on the planet. If you don't believe me, just ask any nonhuman. If you like butterflies, if you like anyone nonhuman, then we need to greatly reduce our population to make room for them. Humans, their agriculture, and their infrastructure occupy more than half of the terrestrial land on Earth, and humans and their damn cattle outweigh wildlife. These things must be reversed!

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Idk if you can see this because I've been shadow banned but please excuse some of family members whom are a little bit on the asshole side and probably sure that whatever you said in the past was most likely not directed at me 🤣🤣

Oh man, the past 9 years has been a hell ride. Anybody that comes between the illusion that propaganda only happens to other people, even slightly, is met with extreme hostility. I’ve never seen airstrikes on an American civilian since ever.

Anyway, just thought I’d let you know as Caitlin Johnstone and her husband has indirectly said to me “I’ll never forget you” and everybody at Chris hedges, and codePINK, and really sorry about your show, I mean that genuinely 😟 This is the closest in 5 decades we’ve come close to having all of America united, since the rainbow coalition. This was just the beginning of a revolution. You all will do it, it will happen!! Wish I was there with you guys and Hamas omg!! 😰 I know many of you guys used to interview Hamas fighters. People can tell even sometimes just by talking to them or looking at them for the first time, whether if you’re a misogynist or not. Can you believe a bunch of bambi-eyed delicate flowers like Hamas got manipulated like that!? Journalists have always portrayed the resistance group in a very positive light, they good people , and like with anyone, can become easily emotionally manipulated at the worst darkest time in history. Gaslighters get even the nicest of people to do things that they would not otherwise do.

I’ll never forget you guys!! Wtf?! My life from stable-to-exile, vamoose 💨 I don't understand any of it, seems like an episode of X-files!! I’m a human being not an E.T. WTF is happening to me!? 😰😰😰😰

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Jeff is a bit touchy — my children are a wonderful blessing even now that they are adults! Love them to bits

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Hi Lee,

I loved this piece. Thank you for writing it. The news from the many aggressions the American empire is currently managing is very discouraging and what the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians, the Lebanese and now the Syrians is brutality at it’s worst.

This lovely and elegant reminder of the beauty life still has on offer is much appreciated.


PS. I miss your wild and wonderful rants!!

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Thank you, Linda! So kind. There's still so much to fight for.

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